Monday, February 22, 2010

I'm 28 years old and my hair is thinning out on top, what hair regrowth products really work?

Has anyone ever tried Revivogen?I'm 28 years old and my hair is thinning out on top, what hair regrowth products really work?
I would like to prompt you to visit your family doctor or a dematologists to determine what the cause of your thinning hair is first. They are the most qualified to tell you what drugs are safe for you. There is a cosmetic product call Volluma that if you are looking for a cosmetic product works well. Check out Great web-site with lots of good information.I'm 28 years old and my hair is thinning out on top, what hair regrowth products really work?
Rogaine is the only medically approved hair restorer. Others may have a doctors endorsement, but that just proves that Dr. can be dishonest and greedy, just like the rest of us.

And I have heard rumors of guys who put it on all over and then slept on it, the rogaine rubbed off on thier foreheads and guess where hair grew!? It's only a rumor tho'

What hair regrowth products will work for a 19 year old female who is already thinning/balding?

i don't have health insurance so I can't see a doctor but I was wondering if there were any good topical treatments I can use to stop the balding or even regrow it if possible. it is really thinning right above my temples around my hairline and it is noticeable when I put my hair into a pony tailWhat hair regrowth products will work for a 19 year old female who is already thinning/balding?
My hair is very thin on top just like yours.I used to have very thick hair,but had to pull it back all the time for my job.I think that is what happen to my hair!If you want keep your hair from thinning any further,I suggest you quit pulling it back and causing all that stress on it.My hair is still thick in the back of my head,just up front where the stress of the pony tail pulling ,I have a bald spot.What hair regrowth products will work for a 19 year old female who is already thinning/balding?
Regaine helped my partner a lot so use the version for women (rogaine I think) . It is expensive but effective.

I'd also get a health check. If you can see any doctor - go! Is there a free clinic around you? Hair thinning can be caused by a lot of things including stress (my mother has stress related alopecia) and other imbalances such as hormonal imbalances so it is important to get checked out as soon as you can.
Oh Dear,

I am and have been a Hair Stylist for over 20 years..

';male Patterned baldness'; does happen to woman, but not usually until later in life. Topical products can help if you know why you are ';thinning';. There are several medical reasons for this. Not that they are serious.. but please try to seek medical help first or you can waste more money on products than the cost of a doctor's visit! P.S. If you have your hair ';permed';, Years of burning the hair at your hairline can cause some of this. It is a more delicate hair. applying the product after the rest has processed a while and less tension on this hair is a good idea.
Try the rogaine for women. They say the earlier you start the better the chances that you will see results.
I have a Dermatologist friend who says the only thing that will work is Rogaine that you buy with a prescription....and you have to use it continuously.

The so-called products on the market do not work to re-grow hair. It's like trying to grow hair on the bottom of your feet.

Do not be ';taken in'; with Nioxin shampoo.

If you have a lot of money, take a look online at

The gal at my spa says it works. Her friend uses it. Starts out at about $200, but you can go on maintenance and not need it all the time after you've noticed some change. Good luck.. Maybe you shouldn't pull your hair tight back into a ponytail. Might be doing damage to the roots.
Hair receding at the temples is definitely male pattern baldness.

It's normally associated with a tendency to grow a moustache and chin hair, together with heavy growth of leg hair and is actually quite common in women.

It's a bit of a losing battle fighting it. It's caused by high levels of testosterone and/or low levels of estrogen and shbg. Some doctors ';treat'; it by birth control pills, but that may simply result in the body shutting down its own estrogen production and the situation gets worse then when you off the bcp.

If your ring fingers are longer than your index fingers then your body has been sensitized to testosterone in the first three months of fetal life. In that instance it's probably best to do nothing about what is, after all, your normal body response to even limited amounts of free testosterone in your bloodstream.

If your ring fingers are NOT longer than your index fingers, it may be worth consulting a doctor to find out whether you have a serioius hormonal imbalance. But if you reckon that you can't stretch to a doctor it's NOT a good idea to self-medicate on this one.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Best Hair ReGrowth Product?

What is the best and most effective hair growth product? What has been successful for you? My hair is thinning and falling out. I'm only 18, and it is extremely embarrassing. Please, if you can, help me out.

P.S. How can I reply in my own question thread? I had another question but I couldn't respond to answers.Best Hair ReGrowth Product?
As Kate says use biotin...I dont know why but i have been using mane n tail and it seems like its helping make it grow so try that too.

To reply in your question click on add details where it says ';edit'; there will be a menu and just click add details =)Best Hair ReGrowth Product?
hey kate,

how does biotin work? does it grow back hair in balding areas? does it work quickly?

I'd also like to know =)
Biotin. any drug store carries it. works amazingly well!

What is the best hair regrowth product?

The ONLY thing that has been scientifically proven to regrow hair is Minoxidil, usually packaged as Rogaine, but even Wal Mart makes their own brand. Women use the 2% and Men, the 5%. All of the rest of the stuff are ';Snake oil'; and do NOT work.. Please don't waste your money.What is the best hair regrowth product?
the best things to do are not wash as frequently, maybe every other day or every third day. Second is drink a lot of water, third, take a pill called Biotin. It's for hair and nails and works great. Good Luck!!!

I'm slowly going bald is there any hair regrowth products that will help to grow my hair back?

The person that can answer this question stands to make a lot of money. I have not seen any that I would buy into. And I need it.I'm slowly going bald is there any hair regrowth products that will help to grow my hair back?
i'd go see your doctor...your testosterone level may be way below normalI'm slowly going bald is there any hair regrowth products that will help to grow my hair back?
I hear if you use Dawn dish soap you wont lose anymore hair. Regular shampoo is very abrasive on balding mens hair. Baby shampoo is also very gentle!
As John Luke Picard said on the starship Enterprise: ';I'm Picard I'll make them nipples hard, William you ride her';. Women see bald men as men with stamina and the more women you have the better chance you'll have of finding the right one. Man go bald with a bang shave it all off and wait for the Chickees
Depends where you are going bald!?

I would talk to a doctor first.
Use Nioxin, they do a starter kit (拢34)that consists of shampoo, conditioner and scalp treatment. The hole range focuses on the scalp, in simple terms by cleaning it, moisturizing and helping blood flow better to the scalp which encourages healthy hair growth. This product will help hair to grow back and prevent hair loss. This product is an investment and you will need to use it continuously but you will start to See a result after 6 weeks. just google Nioxin!!
Rogaine is at your local drug store otherwise seek medical advice for hair transplant surgery.
  • red hair
  • Do hair regrowth products like rogain actually work?

    and well do they work if they doDo hair regrowth products like rogain actually work?
    it does for some people

    not in the front but for male pattern baldness on top

    the earlier you start the better it will work for youDo hair regrowth products like rogain actually work?
    Yes. My dad had alopecia where his hair would fall out in patches and when he used it, his hair grew back.

    I used to use it on my eyebrows also, when I overplucked.

    Dose really fine and thin hair don't change into thick hair? no matter if you used hair regrowth product?

    hi ,, my hair is thin ( i don't have too much hair)

    i use a regrowth hair tonic and i get some short hairs start to grow out,, but i want to know if my hair well turn to a thick hair or not??Dose really fine and thin hair don't change into thick hair? no matter if you used hair regrowth product?
    It may or may not...with regrowth hair tonic you never can tell.

    Do you blow dry your hair? Try teasing it or blow trying your hair upside down to may it look fuller.Dose really fine and thin hair don't change into thick hair? no matter if you used hair regrowth product?
    use the Rusk shampoo and conditioners! it is supposed to be really good! i have never used it because i have unbearably thick hair!
    Honey, that is determined by the size and shape of the ';follicle'; that the hairs grow out of,

    Nothing you can do will ever change that!

    All you can do is use a ';full %26amp; thick'; type shampoo, which will make it appear thicker until you wash it again.


    I think my newborn baby was born with thinning hair. Which hair regrowth product should I give him?

    rogain is quite effective. Use Nair to clean up any bad hair lines.I think my newborn baby was born with thinning hair. Which hair regrowth product should I give him?
    Is this a serious question?

    Do not apply any products to your newborn's scalp. Newborns often lose their hair and it is replaced with their ';real'; hair.

    For the sake of your baby, please don't use those products with the dangerous chemicals. You will be doing your baby more harm than good.I think my newborn baby was born with thinning hair. Which hair regrowth product should I give him?
    Rogaine...or you could call the 1-800-HAIR infomericals and buy that cheap spray-on crap they call ';hair'; ';WOW, I USED TO BE BALD BUT AFTER USING SPRAY ';HAIR'; I NOW LOOK LIKE A MOP TOP!'; Your baby will thank you. :)
    none...dork. lots of babies are born bald. babies in my family are pretty much bald until they are 2 years old. i don't think any of the hair regrowth products are safe for babies anyway.
    I highly recommend milk. Yep, you heard it here, milk is just what the doctor ordered!! Works every time.
    hey take him to the wig store and buy him a wig!!!
    oh no your baby is losing hair!!!!!!!!!!!

    no **** einstein. all babies lose hair when they are born or change their scalp features. It's called characteristics development!!!

    As for yourself.. well.. advanced hair.. yeha yeah...

    hair regrowth was initially used for treating high blood pressure

    you saw the baby toupee fake commercial on SNL last night didn't you
    you can not give a baby hair products but you can have a adorable wig made for your child out of real human hair that will not only hide that thinning hair (so unsightly) but also cover up that funky cone head some people's kids get. good luck
    Folicur茅. It worked on my boss' hair.
    most babies are born with hair but it gets thin and falls out. pretty soon your baby will have a full head of hair. it may even come back a different color than when your baby was born. i would not and do not recommend that you give your baby a regrowth product. let nature takes it course. all those chemicals in the regrowth products can be very harmful to your newborn baby. don't do it!
    If you're serious, you're not fit to parent - someone call CPS.
    NOTHING!!! He is a baby and the products that are used for thinning hair has not been tested on babies. Could have severe effects including disabilities and death!
    umm, none! it's common for newborn babies to'll grow back, don't worry!
    nothing it will grow and holycow why would you even consider that. my god woman

    Hair regrowth product on eyebrows?

    i heard you can use hair growth product on your eyebrows. is it safe to do that? how do you know what color to use? it seems like the kits in stores are all shades of gray or light colors for older men. how long does it take?Hair regrowth product on eyebrows?
    i don't know about the kits for older men

    but there is this product that inhibits hair growth for eyelashes and eyebrows called Ardell brow and lash growth gel (not certain on the entire name but the brand is Ardel) and you can find it at Walgreens or CVS probably in the makeup aisle and it cost less than $5

    good thing you only need it for your brows because i tried it on my brows and lashes and it only really works on your brows. it depends on the person on long it'll take to notice a difference. but, i think by 10 days i could notice how fast my eyebrows were growing.

    good luck :)Hair regrowth product on eyebrows?
    What is ';hair growth product';? There is nothing you can put on your eyebrows to make them grow in thicker.
    i have no idea.

    but i do have one question......did you shave off your eyebrows?

    Men (and women if you know), what is the best product hair regrowth product for men? (that actually works)?

    My husband is going bald from the back and has receeding hair line. If you can give name, price and where I can purchase it.Men (and women if you know), what is the best product hair regrowth product for men? (that actually works)?
    I have some simple steps that can help your husband's thinning hair. My husband suffered from hair loss as well, but it was in the center of his head, not the back. He also had a receding hairline. But, if he uses these tips, his hair can grow thicker and longer. But, remember, as a wife, you play an important role. Hair loss ruins a man’s confidence, which creates a lot of stress. Stress inhibits hair growth. So, try to keep him encouraged and tell him his hair will grow back.

    The truth is, your husband will need to attack his hair loss from the inside and outside. He will need a great hair growth regimen, which has three major components: a healthy eating plan, substantial water intake, and a high quality hair growth and hair care product.

    I suggest he go with an all-natural hair growth product, not one with lots of hormones. Find a hair growth product that contains powerful essential oils, natural herbs, and vitamin rich nutrients his hair needs to survive. Look for products with ingredients such as: Aloe Vera, Citrus Fruits, Jojoba, Rosemary, and Sage. Make sure he strays away from all natural products that use natural extracts. Extracts are not as powerful as essentials oils. They are a cheap substitute for the real thing. Although there are several natural hair care products on the market, not all hair growth products are created equal. Make sure he reads the fine print. Most “natural” products still contain phosphates, sodium lauryl sulfate, petroleum, mineral oil, and other lab created humectants that ultimately damage the hair. My advice---if he can’t read the ingredients, he shouldn’t buy the product. When I was searching for a natural hair growth product, I found one really great buy, Beauty 4 Ashes Super Hair Growth System. Finding this company took me awhile; but Beauty 4 Ashes pretty much gives you everything you need to make your hair grow. I checked the ingredient listings and the products contained no artificial ingredients. The system also included hair growth vitamins, a great hair healthy eating plan, and even scalp stimulating hair growth exercise routines. I often perform the exercises on my husband’s head and they relaxed him a lot.

    At first, the system may seem a bit pricey, but, I was impressed with the results and my husband was ecstatic . In 9 months, my husband’s balding center grew completely back. In two months, his receding hairline had filled in. I would spend the money and splurge on it. It actually is less expensive than Rogaine, DHT Blockers, Nioxin, and Minoxidil treatments. Yep, we tried them all. You can Beauty 4 Ashes Super Hair Growth System at Also, tell him to check for it on Ebay. He may actually find a deal.

    Assist him in creating a hair healthy diet plan that is high in protein. Hair is all protein. Thus, he needs a protein rich diet, chocked fill of B Vitamins and other hair-strengthening nutrients. He also should increase his intake of fish. It is full of healthy proteins and essential fatty acids and natural oils his hair needs. In addition, advise him to drink a protein supplement or shake everyday. If he follows this plan, not only will his hair grow, but he will also lose weight. That is, of course, if he lays off the junk food.

    Encourage him to drink eight to ten glasses of water a day. Drinking water flushes the body of toxins, chemicals, and impurities that stifle hair growth and disrupt hormone and enzyme imbalances.Men (and women if you know), what is the best product hair regrowth product for men? (that actually works)?

    Which brand's hair regrowth product is the best for women? thanks.?

    It depends on your texture of hair. Doctor Miracles works really well for me he has a whole line of products that are credible and meets a lot of different needs. Also Protectiv works really well for breakage and growth my friend has an Afo-American father and an Caucasian mother and she has really straight and it works for her can google texasbeautysupply or get these items at your nearest superwalmart.Which brand's hair regrowth product is the best for women? thanks.?
    Alterego (garlic deep conditioner)
  • red hair
  • Whats the best hair regrowth product for men in their 20s?

    There's a kind of shampoo and scalp treatment sold in most beauty supply stores and hair salons called Nioxin.Whats the best hair regrowth product for men in their 20s?
    well if your balding in your twenties do what my bro did invest in a good razor!!Whats the best hair regrowth product for men in their 20s?
    saini herbal hair oil
    get away from the stressfull women in your life now or you will be bald by the time you are 23

    Men (and women if you know), what is the best hair regrowth product for men? (that actually works)?

    My husband is going bald from the back and has receeding hair line. If you can give name, price and where I can purchase it.Men (and women if you know), what is the best hair regrowth product for men? (that actually works)?
    Balding is in the genes. There is nothing that can bring back a full head of hair. My husband just shaved his head and now he looks sexier than ever.Men (and women if you know), what is the best hair regrowth product for men? (that actually works)?
    rogaine probably at a general store

    Best hair regrowth product?

    thinning hair. what is best product for both men and womenBest hair regrowth product?
    Bio Silk shampoo %26amp; conditioner .

    Hair regrowth product?

    have any of u guys used a product that actually worked 4 u, if so whats da name? cost? how long u c results?

    Hair regrowth product?
    I would call a salon and ask what the professionals would suggest. And if you really need something bad...then you might wanna look into hair restoration. Bosely has a really good program that works WONDERS! a friend of my father had it done and he looks like a completely new person (and a few years YOUNGER!!)

    Every time I get stressed, I noticeably lose hair. Regrowth product help! ?

    I found the following product:鈥?/a>

    However, it's a little expensive. Is there a similar product without the huge price tag.Every time I get stressed, I noticeably lose hair. Regrowth product help! ?
    I too have this problem. I am a special education teacher who teaches Geometry and Algebra to Emotionally disturbed students, so you could imagine.


    I would have my ends clipped. then conditioned with a deep conditioner. try not to streighten your hair for a couple of days.

    second try to take some natural mood swing that will calm your nerves down.

    3rd Use a natural regrowth. I haven't used the one you have. but i have use the one i am suggesting in the source box.

    My most recent stress was this summer leaving my husband. I used those three methods and some more that i will suggest to you and i am fine.

    Women stops the negative effects of DHT, the bi-product of testosterone (women's hair loss in menopause is caused by an increase in testosterone).

    DHT is the primary cause of why 20 million U.S. women lose their hair. DHT suffocates the follicle by causing it to grow thinner and thinner until it dies and is replaced by scar tissue. You need to get a product for womens that will stops DHT at the source by using a combination of Saw Palmetto and Nettles extracts. These ingredients prevent DHT from binding to hair follicle receptors. Once the effects of DHT are reduced, follicles will begin growing strong, healthy hair once again.

    Again, I hope this will help!

    take a look at the source box. Gail

    Is there a hair regrowth product that really works?

    My husband uses Nioxin. There is alot of new regrowth! You have to be very consistant with it or you'll have to start all over! My husband is 3/4 bald.Is there a hair regrowth product that really works?
    PropeciaIs there a hair regrowth product that really works?
    For re-growth? NO, but to redeuce hair fall, yea, Minoxodil and Propecia do seem to work, but it has to be used continously. The next best option is hair transplant if you can afford it. Good luck.
    I have a friend using Avacor and is really seeing results. The only problem he has encountered is it's making the hair grow all over his body. You can find it at
  • red hair
  • Has anyone ever tried a hair regrowth product or know of one that really works?

    If there was one it would have been an instant hit like viagraHas anyone ever tried a hair regrowth product or know of one that really works?

    Has any female tried any hair regrowth product that actually worked for them?

    I tried vitamins from Trader Joe's. They are called Trader Darwin's Womens formula (support Skin, Hair and Nails) It really works! My Husband even took them for 8 months and they regrew his hair.Has any female tried any hair regrowth product that actually worked for them?
    I tried the prescription product when it first came out...for a year....failed to work. Disappointed, but I'm fine now.

    Have you ever heard of these Hair regrowth products...?

    Im looking for a good hair regrowth product for males in their 20,s I heard of provillus and saini hair oil. Are there any better ones out there?Have you ever heard of these Hair regrowth products...?
    ask Ron PopeilHave you ever heard of these Hair regrowth products...?
    Yeah, I tried them all, look at my results, long flowing hair:.(
    Try the Ronco GLH Formula 9 Hair System! Only $19.95

    Plz suggest best hair regrowth products.?

    suggest whether it is useful if i consult to the doctor.I am 27 yrs old,my father is having bald head.Please suggest me what to do.Plz suggest best hair regrowth products.?
    rogaine, or the knock off rogaine at costco. they're the same thing, and they really work, the trick is to use it consistently. also, eat lots of protein so your body gives your hair materials to growPlz suggest best hair regrowth products.?
    One of the best products that I heard of is this shampoo that is called provillus Its all natural and It works Quick.Check it out it worked for me and I tried everything.

    What is a good hair regrowth product for men?

    Do they actually work? recommend any brands?What is a good hair regrowth product for men?
    Hair loss is caused by many reasons such as malnutrition, illness, tension and other health problems. Natural Herbal remedies can treat hair loss and regrow your new hair.

    Find the best natural herbal medicines and treatments approved by FDA for stop losing hair.

    1. Stop Losing Hair

    2. Say good bye to hair fall

    3. Male and Female Pattern

    4. Regrow New hair

    5. Increase hair length

    6. More shinning and silky hair

    7. No more Baldness

    8. For both Male and Female;client=google-coop-np%26amp;;adkw=AELymgUVoiM6YHmck91xlZ8ASzN1O0YZkbXajHY4hZjbonV1KKTOzhAnEOQ_jceTyY9M2KLa_dNEYgfbzTkEkAFNsRTxQBdfBaS1f67nB4JxrilYeF-MS-cH1keznqp-vlmTxDOS_6NyeujA-LTldxvvQBvd5lxK18MgpNxULRWwlkFeb25eXf4%26amp;q=hair+loss%26amp;btnG=Search%26amp;cx=017068809541510669416%3Apl08-yrwqhuWhat is a good hair regrowth product for men?
    There is absolutely no proof whatsoever that any product can re-grow hair which has stopped growing. If it were true, it would have been the greatest miracle of all time! And everyone would be using it.

    Hair has to grow from under the skin, where the roots are. Nothing you put on the outside is going to make any difference to what is inside, despite what advertising says.

    Depending on what caused the hair to stop growing, there may be times that the hair will regrow. Some chemo treatments will make the hair fall out; but once they are over, the hair will normally regrow. Some forms of alopecia (hair loss) can be temporary, and the hair will come back in those cases. Other times, the loss is permanent.

    Your best bet is to have it examined by a physician to see if there is any medical reason why the hair has stopped growing. If not, or if it's hereditary, then there is nothing much you can do. Some women actually find bald men sexy! He maybe should find one of them.

    What is the best hair regrowth product out there?

    Please respond....Thank you all.What is the best hair regrowth product out there?
    you can try nixon shampoo it really helps for me is the best but be patient your will see result in a month or more every people have different result .What is the best hair regrowth product out there?
    i think you can ask your doctor for a perscription, ive alo heard rogain
  • red hair
  • Has anyone ever heard of the hair regrowth product Revivogen?

    My hair is not actually thinning but I relaxed my hair last year and the top of my head is very thin compared to the bottom of my head. Can anyone please tell me if they have ever used it to re-grow hair from relaxing?Has anyone ever heard of the hair regrowth product Revivogen?
    Farra.....first of all none of that crap is good for your hair.....we wouldn't have these hair and other problems if we would stop trying to always find something wife said this about her hair.......easy to mess up...hard to fix......just let that sink in for a while

    What is the best hair regrowth product?

    I have used Avacor, expesive but it worked. I stopped a few months and hair falling out again.What is the best hair regrowth product?
    avacor, bosley for men. and rogain thats all i know.

    Anybody ever used Scalpmed, the hair regrowth product. Does it really work?

    Seems Rogaine is not working for me. Any good suggestions besides surgery.Anybody ever used Scalpmed, the hair regrowth product. Does it really work?
    look at reviews of the product. other than that, ask a ';hair stylist'; of your choice about the product

    Is there anyone that has had real success with any of the hair regrowth products that are available?

    yes, the hair and nail victiaims they work really good when taken as directionsIs there anyone that has had real success with any of the hair regrowth products that are available?
    they used to have the shampoo that was for horse hair but it was for humans to u could get it a a hair cutting place that works great mt hair was a short like a guys hair cut but now a year later it is almost to my but and i have had it cut a couple of timesIs there anyone that has had real success with any of the hair regrowth products that are available?
    Stimulating the scalp by brushing, washing and massaging it will help improve your hair growth. It brings nourishment to the follicles faster.

    Nioxin, is a professional bionutrient cleanser and scalp therapy conditioner that also provides stimulation to the scalp; by the formula that their scientists created. They also have a scalp treatment that stimulates the follicles to help the hair grow.

    Nioxin is the best non-drug treatment available. Cosmetologist =o)

    My clients have been using this for the 12 years I've been in business, as I do too! It promotes healthy hair and scalp as well.
    try rogain.
    The number one things are exercise, drink plenty of water, and eat a healthy, balanced diet.

    Best hair regrowth products and where?

    a near bald patch on top..considering buying spray on hair replacement...short term to lessen visibilty of scalp...but have heard that minoxidil, propecia or dutaseride can promote some regrowth? I'd be happy with just a little regrowth

    If so where could I purchase such safely?


    ABest hair regrowth products and where?
    The best way to do this is to get the nioxin line of products which has the monoxidil in it and the you could probably take th propecia as well so long as you do not have a wife that is pregnant or who could pecome pregnant because that pill will cause birth defects. Even just by touching it. You should be able to get the nioxin shampoo conditioner and follicle booster at a salon near you.Best hair regrowth products and where?
    Dr. Miracles Hot Oil Gro Treatment

    Hair regrowth products like provillus?

    I'm very tempted to start a product like provillus but i dont know how bad the shedding process is. Does anyone have any feedback on how much hair you will actually lose during the shedding part of the process?Hair regrowth products like provillus?
    Everyone is different but before you put chemicals in your scalp to stimluate hair growth.

    Try this website my stylist uses it because I have some hair loss. The name is O2 Emu Shampoo and Conditioner my hair is growing great and I am happier with this natural product than with chemicals which can damage your hair follicles.
  • red hair
  • I'm slowly going bald is there any hair regrowth products that will help to grow my hair back?

    shave your head, get a badass tattoo on it.

    problem solved.I'm slowly going bald is there any hair regrowth products that will help to grow my hair back?
    If you are a man just cut it off!!!! Actually I have a friend that is a lady who had damaged her har from over processing over the years and her hair wouldn't grow in spots so she cut it off and looks great.I'm slowly going bald is there any hair regrowth products that will help to grow my hair back?
    People can tell you a lot of stuff but the reality is that being bald is something in your genes, so there is nothing you can do to avoid it as there is nothing you can do for stopping being white or Hispanic or black.
    Rogaine now has foam it takes a couple minutes to apply and you can get on your way....its kind of expensive but results are good.....make sure not to wear hats because air needs to circulate around or could cause dryness which causes more hair to fall out
    Nothing could help you except hair oil, Get Parachute or other coconut Hair oil in indian stores and massage urs hair in clockwise and anti-clockwise direction daily.

    It will help you to gain ur hair and also take iron tablet like Feosol and take 3 dates daily. Surely u will stop hair losing
    hair plugs

    or rogain

    Does anyone know if the otc hair regrowth products ( i.e. rogaine, )actually work?

    I am a young woman and I have been slowly loosing my hair for about five years. I don't use any hair color or perms on my hair. My doctor did blood work on me, and didn't find anythign to explain why this has been happening. Any suggestions?Does anyone know if the otc hair regrowth products ( i.e. rogaine, )actually work?
    have a friend that is male and uses rogaine, haven't seen any growth on him .

    Baby shampoo? or see a dermatologists?Does anyone know if the otc hair regrowth products ( i.e. rogaine, )actually work?
    Rogaine does work, my aunt uses it, but she has more hair elsewhere, like fuzz on her arms, because of it, even though she only applies the Rogaine on her head.
    it's all genetics but it can get worse with stress and diet or certain medications...they can help to slow down the proccess...keep in mind you live in a time when fake hair can look better than the real thing

    Do those hair-regrowth products actually work?

    Hell, no. It didn't work for me. Just do what I did, shave it all off. Trust me. The ladies love it.

    What websites give unbiased reviews of hair regrowth products,like avacor, etc?

    Looking for websites that review hair regrowth products, I have found that every website that says it is a consumer review site is owned by one of the productsWhat websites give unbiased reviews of hair regrowth products,like avacor, etc?
    I had some friends that say rogaine works to stop hair loss but if you ever stop taking it your hair will fall out quickly.

    Does anyone know of any hair regrowth products that work??

    Just last week I got my hair cut really short - and noticed a bit of a patch on the back of my head that's a bit thin. Does anyone know of any products that work? I've heard that Rogaine has some not-so-good side-effects. But I've been reading a bit about something called Provillus - seems to be recommended. Has anyone ever tried this? Any side-effects? Also - since there are also pills involved, will it make the rest of my body more hairy?? Thanks for any help!Does anyone know of any hair regrowth products that work??
    Rogaine all the waaaaaaaaay!!!Does anyone know of any hair regrowth products that work??
    I know that our hair serum with keratinocyte growth factor does work, but the problem is whether it will work for you when I have no idea what have caused your problem.

    The first and cheapest solution is to avoid shampoos with sodium dodecyl sulfate, an ingredient that manufacturers love because it makes lots of bubbles. Sodium dodecyl sulfate is also the detergent we use in the biochemistry laboratory to dissolve the cell mebranes, and you must believe me, dissolving cell membranes is a bad idea when you are not working in the lab!

    Go for Johnson's baby shampoo or any other mild shampoo.

    If things don't get better, try first our sea kelp bioferment as leave-on hair conditioner. Next step will be the hair serum with KGF. There is nothing better in the market. KGF is the key growth factor in hair development, and I added many other actives to that serum. If that does not work, be patient and hope that whatever is happening to your hair will pass (most problems pass).

    Good luck and best wishes

    Don't buy any of that junk, my son-in-law went bald at 25 he is now 36 he shaves off what little he has around the bottom of his head. Looks better than a comb over.
    being a guy you are fortunate, men have a pill that works very very well... PRopecia is thr brand name and it truly works, I have had many dozens of clients use it and when used in conjunction with rogaine, then you will have even better results. You must get the pill from seeing a doctor once a year...then they will write you a script for a year..... Its about $2.00 per day but well worth it.............don't waist any time! nn

    What are some HAIR REGROWTH products that really works?

    for women. I'm like partial bald.What are some HAIR REGROWTH products that really works?
    Depending on why you lost your hair will determine whether it will grow back. You can try Nioxon if you want to spend the money or go to Wal-Mart and get Equate Hair Re-Growth for Women. Does the same thing but not as strong and is the cheaper way to go to see if your hair will grow back at all.What are some HAIR REGROWTH products that really works?
    LUSH's New! Shampoo Bar

    It promises to stimulate your scalp and spring your hair follicles back into action... Google it.
    There are none.
  • red hair
  • If you stop using hair-regrowth products, will your hair continue to fall out?

    yesIf you stop using hair-regrowth products, will your hair continue to fall out?
    Once you begin to use a hair regrowth product, you must continue to use it consistently to get results. If you stop using it, it's like you never used it at all and whatever problems you were having previously will resume.If you stop using hair-regrowth products, will your hair continue to fall out?
    man your hair will fall out anyway if you have pattern baldness in your family jeans

    What is the best hair regrowth products in USA?

    Hi, i am comming to San Jose, CA next month for some time. me and my sister losing hair. along with my offical work. i want to go back to home with best hair regrowth product. @ my place , we dont have any:(

    Help me pleaseWhat is the best hair regrowth products in USA?
    It's the same all over the world, only time will grow hair. If your sister is losing her hair it may be for a medical reason so she should see a doctor. You can't put it back once it's gone.What is the best hair regrowth products in USA?
    Here a few simple home remedies which can be tried at home to control hair fall.

    1.Rinse your hair with a mix of apple cider vinegar and sage tea this helps hair grow..

    2. A medicine rich in sulfur is also recommended as sulfur plays an important part in the structure of the hair.

    3. Massage with olive oil before going to bed at night and next morning, wash off the hair gently..

    4. To treat hair loss apply a little lemon juice with some black tea.Massage well and shampoo.

    5. Beat two eggs,and add two tablespoons of water to it. Rinse hair and pour the egg mixture over the hair.Massage the scalp well and leave for 10 minutes.Then wash it.
    Have tried Profectiv Mega growth - anti breakage cream

    You get at Sally's Beauty Supply for 5 dollars

    I use this to maintane my hair length and make grow.

    My hair did become more healthy with use it and proclaim moisturizer

    You should also have blood test done

    Do hair regrowth products like rogain actually work?

    Yes, Rogaine contains the active drug minoxidil. Just look for hair restoring products containing 5% minoxidil.

    Hair regrowth products which ones work? I have stress related bald patches there's a name for it, but I don't?

    My hair on the sides seems to be thinnning too. What can I do about it?Hair regrowth products which ones work? I have stress related bald patches there's a name for it, but I don't?
    If it is stres related, try Yoga and Meditation. They are best stress busters. You can try herbal ayurvedic remedies to initiate hairgrowth and prevent hairloss鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    Can rogaine or other hair regrowth products be used to grow normal hair faster or longer?

    i have heard you can do this.,Can rogaine or other hair regrowth products be used to grow normal hair faster or longer?
    I don't know. But I sure would like to know the answer to this question.Can rogaine or other hair regrowth products be used to grow normal hair faster or longer?
    No, it is more for men who are thinning, not just to grow your hair faster and longer. It is a special preparation to encourage hair follicles to grow that have stopped growing. You will just be wasting lots of money when you dont have thinning hair, as it wont do a thing otherwise. If you so desperately want longer hair, get extensions, men can have them too.
    No, actually if you use one of those products it makes your hair fall out first and then grow back in. There are vitamins out there that you can buy to help grow your hair but I would say that if you just want your hair longer not to use rogain or other hair growth products..

    Men hair regrowth products for younge man?

    My boy friend is 23. He is extreamly good looking but is forced to wear a hat all the time. When he was younger he would pull out his hair and now he has a large bald spot. Is there anything that can help this?Please and thank you.Men hair regrowth products for younge man?
    Propecia is the best medicine for treating men's pattern hairloss
  • red hair
  • Does anyone know of any hair regrowth products for men that actually work?

    Rogain hasn't worked for my husband and he wants to try something newDoes anyone know of any hair regrowth products for men that actually work?
    If Rogaine is not working then he needs to see the doc to find out what type of hair loss is going on so the doc can advise him what can be done about it. Not all hair loss is treatable with meds or creams.Does anyone know of any hair regrowth products for men that actually work?
    Embrace his baldness.

    What hair regrowth products will work for a 19 year old female who is already thinning/balding?

    i don't have health insurance so I can't see a doctor but I was wondering if there were any good topical treatments I can use to stop the balding or even regrow it if possible. it is really thinning right above my temples around my hairline and it is noticeable when I put my hair into a pony tailWhat hair regrowth products will work for a 19 year old female who is already thinning/balding?
    My hair is very thin on top just like yours.I used to have very thick hair,but had to pull it back all the time for my job.I think that is what happen to my hair!If you want keep your hair from thinning any further,I suggest you quit pulling it back and causing all that stress on it.My hair is still thick in the back of my head,just up front where the stress of the pony tail pulling ,I have a bald spot.What hair regrowth products will work for a 19 year old female who is already thinning/balding?
    Regaine helped my partner a lot so use the version for women (rogaine I think) . It is expensive but effective.

    I'd also get a health check. If you can see any doctor - go! Is there a free clinic around you? Hair thinning can be caused by a lot of things including stress (my mother has stress related alopecia) and other imbalances such as hormonal imbalances so it is important to get checked out as soon as you can.
    Oh Dear,

    I am and have been a Hair Stylist for over 20 years..

    ';male Patterned baldness'; does happen to woman, but not usually until later in life. Topical products can help if you know why you are ';thinning';. There are several medical reasons for this. Not that they are serious.. but please try to seek medical help first or you can waste more money on products than the cost of a doctor's visit! P.S. If you have your hair ';permed';, Years of burning the hair at your hairline can cause some of this. It is a more delicate hair. applying the product after the rest has processed a while and less tension on this hair is a good idea.
    Try the rogaine for women. They say the earlier you start the better the chances that you will see results.
    I have a Dermatologist friend who says the only thing that will work is Rogaine that you buy with a prescription....and you have to use it continuously.

    The so-called products on the market do not work to re-grow hair. It's like trying to grow hair on the bottom of your feet.

    Do not be ';taken in'; with Nioxin shampoo.

    If you have a lot of money, take a look online at

    The gal at my spa says it works. Her friend uses it. Starts out at about $200, but you can go on maintenance and not need it all the time after you've noticed some change. Good luck.. Maybe you shouldn't pull your hair tight back into a ponytail. Might be doing damage to the roots.
    Hair receding at the temples is definitely male pattern baldness.

    It's normally associated with a tendency to grow a moustache and chin hair, together with heavy growth of leg hair and is actually quite common in women.

    It's a bit of a losing battle fighting it. It's caused by high levels of testosterone and/or low levels of estrogen and shbg. Some doctors ';treat'; it by birth control pills, but that may simply result in the body shutting down its own estrogen production and the situation gets worse then when you off the bcp.

    If your ring fingers are longer than your index fingers then your body has been sensitized to testosterone in the first three months of fetal life. In that instance it's probably best to do nothing about what is, after all, your normal body response to even limited amounts of free testosterone in your bloodstream.

    If your ring fingers are NOT longer than your index fingers, it may be worth consulting a doctor to find out whether you have a serioius hormonal imbalance. But if you reckon that you can't stretch to a doctor it's NOT a good idea to self-medicate on this one.

    Does anyone know of any hair regrowth products for dogs?

    I have a 1.5 year old sheltie that has some small scars around one of her eyes as a result of being repeatedly beat up by another sheltie at her previous home. Does anyone know of any hair regrowth products for dogs? The scars are about 6 months old. Thanks in advance! Does anyone know of any hair regrowth products for dogs?
    not sure if they have hair replacement for dog i wish i knowed i would tell you sorryDoes anyone know of any hair regrowth products for dogs?
    Well I have a dog that had bald patches for almost a year.

    I got her hair to grow back, but I completely changed her diet (raw food diet) and started with hoslitic (Udo's) products.

    You wouldn't even know there was ever a problem.

    I know what you mean. My min pin had to get a tumor removed from the top of nose about 7 months ago and he still has a fur less scare too.
    If she does not have hair growing in those locations because of a scar then there is nothing you can do. The hair not growing back means that the hair follicles have been damaged and nothing will change that.
    No. If there are scars the hair probably won't re-grow. It might, in time, but it often comes in white where there is scarring.

    Does those hair regrowth products really work for receding hairlines?

    And if they do, what is the best product to buy? and do you have to keep taking it?Does those hair regrowth products really work for receding hairlines?
    No, of course not, you know that.

    It is only meant to make sales from gullible people. It might make you think that you are growing hair (psychological), since you spent all that money, but there is no proof whatsoever that anything can make hair grow where it no longer wants to.Does those hair regrowth products really work for receding hairlines?
    The only thing that has been scientifically proven to stop hair loss and possibly help regrow hair is Minoxidil under the trade name of Rogaine or Regaine. It works best if you are just starting to lose your hair and you have to faithfully use it everyday as directed. As far as any oral medications, I don't really know of any.