Saturday, February 20, 2010

Does anyone know of any hair regrowth products for dogs?

I have a 1.5 year old sheltie that has some small scars around one of her eyes as a result of being repeatedly beat up by another sheltie at her previous home. Does anyone know of any hair regrowth products for dogs? The scars are about 6 months old. Thanks in advance! Does anyone know of any hair regrowth products for dogs?
not sure if they have hair replacement for dog i wish i knowed i would tell you sorryDoes anyone know of any hair regrowth products for dogs?
Well I have a dog that had bald patches for almost a year.

I got her hair to grow back, but I completely changed her diet (raw food diet) and started with hoslitic (Udo's) products.

You wouldn't even know there was ever a problem.

I know what you mean. My min pin had to get a tumor removed from the top of nose about 7 months ago and he still has a fur less scare too.
If she does not have hair growing in those locations because of a scar then there is nothing you can do. The hair not growing back means that the hair follicles have been damaged and nothing will change that.
No. If there are scars the hair probably won't re-grow. It might, in time, but it often comes in white where there is scarring.

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