Saturday, February 20, 2010

Is there a hair regrowth product that really works?

My husband uses Nioxin. There is alot of new regrowth! You have to be very consistant with it or you'll have to start all over! My husband is 3/4 bald.Is there a hair regrowth product that really works?
PropeciaIs there a hair regrowth product that really works?
For re-growth? NO, but to redeuce hair fall, yea, Minoxodil and Propecia do seem to work, but it has to be used continously. The next best option is hair transplant if you can afford it. Good luck.
I have a friend using Avacor and is really seeing results. The only problem he has encountered is it's making the hair grow all over his body. You can find it at
  • red hair
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