Saturday, February 20, 2010

Dose really fine and thin hair don't change into thick hair? no matter if you used hair regrowth product?

hi ,, my hair is thin ( i don't have too much hair)

i use a regrowth hair tonic and i get some short hairs start to grow out,, but i want to know if my hair well turn to a thick hair or not??Dose really fine and thin hair don't change into thick hair? no matter if you used hair regrowth product?
It may or may not...with regrowth hair tonic you never can tell.

Do you blow dry your hair? Try teasing it or blow trying your hair upside down to may it look fuller.Dose really fine and thin hair don't change into thick hair? no matter if you used hair regrowth product?
use the Rusk shampoo and conditioners! it is supposed to be really good! i have never used it because i have unbearably thick hair!
Honey, that is determined by the size and shape of the ';follicle'; that the hairs grow out of,

Nothing you can do will ever change that!

All you can do is use a ';full %26amp; thick'; type shampoo, which will make it appear thicker until you wash it again.


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